Out of curiosity, I checked to see how many stories filed under coronavirus/COVID-19 we have over at @mmfa, and the number is... 864. Paging through it, it's just honestly hard to believe some of the misinformation right-wing outlets have put out there over the months.
Just looking back on this, there's a lot of really wild stuff, especially from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc. types. They really, right from the start, did everything they could to do whatever was politically helpful for the president.
February 24: Rush Limbaugh calls the virus "an effort to get Trump" https://www.mediamatters.org/rush-limbaugh/rush-limbaugh-coronavirus-effort-get-trump
February and March: Mainstream news outlets uncritically amplify the Trump administration's wild claims, putting additional lives at risk. (Bad journalism puts people in danger) https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/trump-puts-lives-risk-coronavirus-misinformation-and-mainstream-media-rush
(Alright, let's skip around a bit, but basically, the point here is that there's at least one completely bonkers COVID-19 narrative that's put people's lives at risk every single day)
August 3: Fox "straight news" anchor Sandra Smith promises doctor who'd spread misinformation that he'd be invited back "because people want to believe what you're saying. Parents of college students want their kids to go back to campus" https://www.mediamatters.org/sandra-smith/fox-host-says-fox-will-continue-booking-doctor-making-dubious-claims-because-people
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