. @MelissaBenoist thank you so much for all your dedication to kara during all those years. you not only brought my favorite character to life but you also brought so many joy to my life while doing it. as a fan of kara since i was a little one, it was a pleasure to watch (+)
(+)someone who understands her so much playing her so beautifully. this is a bittersweet feeling and i write this with tears in my eyes but all the memories from this crazy beautiful journey will stay with me forever and ever! @MelissaBenoist you have a huge impact in my life (+)
(+) and you’ll always hold a special place in my life. thank you @MelissaBenoist from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and all the love you give to kara. i love you & i can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you 💛
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