As I’ve thought more like a strength coach working with professional and aspiring dancers and less like a personal trainer, all of my clients have gotten better programming as a result. I’m finding that I’m focused more BOTH on big lifts and small details in a way I didn’t before
All of my clients are working power movements, many are jumping, an increasing number are working sprint drills. The result has been stronger dancers but ALSO stronger and more athletic general population folks.
Focusing on dance, and the rigor that has required, has forced us all to be better because the risk to careers is so high. But then everyone benefits from that as a really cool byproduct.
Thinking about this thread and how it can sound like shade to personal trainers. That’s the bulk of my career and commercial gym trainers get nothing but respect from me. Ruminating mainly on what the mindset shift has meant for me—even as most of my clients remain general pop.
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