I get "support Native" but uhm...most of us are poor as shit. How can we afford $30 lipsticks (before shipping)? Or $300 blankets? Or $100+ jewelry?

I need Native designers to, um, remember this. Because y'all aren't making it accessible, and therefore it's not for most of us.
...so then just admit you're making Native work to sell to rich white people and not other ndn folk please. Ty.
(I'll say,I don't mind the cost for, say, beaded work, or hand-sewn items, but most of us aren't buying fuckin Gucci in the first place, how can we afford things priced the exact same just bc it's Native?)
(which btw is exactly why my game is gonna be pay-as-you-can. I know exactly who my audience is.)
Welp... apparently I struck a chord with fellow poor as shit Natives 😅
Oh boy, someone is DROVE about this!
Ey, link your fav affordable Native shops & makers. Go for it!
I love Junebug, and their goat soaps have been amazing for kiddo's skin 🥰


(They don't advertise as Native-made bc of laws, but they're reconnecting & still Native)
Someone else shared another! https://twitter.com/HollyBear92/status/1308566361862533120?s=19
You can follow @jamlamlaser.
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