1. Promote the idea that racism is the most evil thing you can be
2. Claim all whites are racist
3. Keep pushing whitey until they make a mild push back
4. Run around with flappy hands, crying that a mild push back is proof that you were right all along about whitey being evil
It's been relentlessly drilled into us... the scene has been carefully set, the media has all its handy terms ready....


"Far Right!"

"Far Right Backlash!"
"Systemic Racism!"

"Refugees Welcome!"

"Black Lives Matter!"
The migrants steal, gang-rape, murder, abuse our kids, go on two-hour long stabbing sprees in Birmingham, bombings and stabbings in Manchester, London...

...but the only thing the media will actually remember, is the white guy that said something "racist" on Question Time.
Compare and contrast ongoing media vilification of Laurence Fox, with that silence regarding the Pakistani paedophiles convicted of gang-raping dozens of white children.

Fox's sentence is worse - to be judged as a racist for life.
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