Here's my first guide for @TFT Set 4. I'm a 3x Top20 Challenger player and just hit Masters again. This set places a huge emphasis on playing strongest board and then rolling down on spikes. Here are 4 comps that are always playable, and 4 comps that rely on an early chosen:
Here are 4 that NEED an early chosen (Chosen Zed, Chosen Warlord + Warlord spat, Chosen Wukong, Chosen Yasuo):
Notes on the 8 comps:

1. Ashe comp likes Brawler chosen -- drop Kindred for Tahm and go to 8 Brawler. Sett runs AP/tanky items. Chosen Nunu/WW can run items too.

2. Dusk always goes 6 Dusk if Chosen/Spat. Kayn can replace Jhin late. Don't stack for Keeper late. Azir > Kennen.
3. Ahri can also run 4 Spirit/4 Sharpshooter. 4 Mystic/4 Vanguard -- depends on which chosen you find. All that is truly important is Ahri.

4. Talon comp pretty hard to play imo -- personally not a fan, but I see it doing well.
5. Shade comp can drop spirits for Vanguards. Go for Zed3.

6. Warlord9 comp is awesome but rly risky if you don't find a spat.

7. Chosen Vanguard Wukong ok too. Only play if you find it early + have bows.

8. Chosen Yasuo falls off hard -- replace duelists with legendaries.
Win conditions this patch are either Level9 + add legendaries or Level8 rolling to 3star 4cost carries.

Here is a common level timing (only roll if indicated):

4: 2-1
5: 2-5
6: 3-2 (roll if <70hp)
7: 4-1 (roll if weak)
8: 5-1 (roll to finish carry)
Here's another common econ-focused timing, which buys no levels Stage 2:

5: 3-1
6: 3-5 (leaves you with 40g minimum)
7: 4-1 (roll if weak)
8: 4-5 or 5-1 (you can go 8 at 4-5 and not roll until 5-1)

Doing one timing or other depends on your early gold/strength.
As always, don't chase random 3star units. You usually roll to 10 or 20g at 4-1 now unless you high rolled early and have good HP. Even then not a bad idea to roll to find a new chosen.

I almost always sell my chosen before rolling now to upgrade it to a 3 or 4 cost.
You play the 1st or 2nd chosen you find on Stage2. If it fits your transition, you can keep it through Stage3. Otherwise I sell at Krugs and look for a new one for Stage3. Then I sell again at Wolves and look for a new one for Stage4. Sometimes I sell AGAIN when rolling at 8.
Think of the early Chosen units the same way we used to use (and still do) item carriers for endgame carries. Don't become too attached to it.

Strong early synergies:

1. Chosen 6 cultist
2. Chosen 6 warlord
3. Chosen brawlers
4. Chosen moonlight
5. Chosen Zed
6. Hecarim2
It is easier to hard force comps this set as long as you have money when rolling because of the new shop mechanic. This set rewards you for being able to spend 0 money while playing the strongest board possible until that point, which means flexing around Chosen.
Going to 9 is extremely difficult now -- if you roll down to 0 gold at 5-1, it's not going to happen. You can hoard to about 40-50gold by 6-1 and just roll again to try to 3star your carry (Riven, Ahri, Ashe, Sett2).

Meta changes every day so always just stalk match histories!

1. Why didn't you list X or Y comp?
I already listed 8 comps leave me alone

2. How is your quarantine going?
I played 102 games over the first few days of this set.

3. That position seems off?
Honestly I suck at positioning. Don't trust me too much on that lmao.

One other thing -- I thought this set was about being flexible, and then @DeliciousMilkGG averaged 2.1 placement over 20 games (like... imagine going 2nd 20 games in a row) playing Ashe Brawler. So... just pick a comp and force it lol.
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