There seems to be this rather strange notion that it’s ‘not a great time’ on #FootballIndex right now - which I find rather strange.

As @IndexBig rightly tweeted the other day, we’ve got the best price to dividend ratios since January 2018.
As @spfootballindex’s thread the other day hinted at, there’s a growing sense of entitlement that:

1) Your portfolio valuation will never fluctuate

2) Your portfolio will always rise

3) Players will always be liquid, no matter what the demand
What do we know?

1) Best div to price ratios since Jan 2018

2) Biggest marketing push ever this season

3) Media revamp to come in September

4) Nasdaq implementation in 2020
Do I wish FI implemented sell orders more cautiously? Yes

Do I wish they didn’t fuck up the first div review? Yes

Do I wish their comms were better over the past 3-6 months? Yes

Do I still think FI is going to be a revolutionary product in the gambling industry? Yes
What I find most peculiar is that on a platform where we are betting on the future of a player’s career, traders seem to be absolutely obsessed with the current here and now. Whether their portfolio is up on the hour, on the day or in a 7 day period.
I also feel that whenever things are going well for a trader’s portfolio, there’s blame on ‘things not going well’ or ‘FI messing up’.

Accountability is important when it comes to becoming a better trader.

No need to point the finger whenever things go awry.
I think @footballindexsd had tweeted below that there’s always been volatility on this platform.

I’ve watched players drop 70% in a day.

If you want brilliant opportunities, you also need to be comfortable with great volatility.
Just like the IS price and buy price on FI, this is a snapshot in time.

FI are in a transitional phase with a lot of change to the product.

If this snapshot in time (March - present) distracts you from the product’s long term potential - then maybe you don’t believe in it?
There’s a lot of misinformation spread on how volatile FI is, why black Sunday happened, how FI’s business model works, and a lot more

What frustrates me the most is the lack of perspective

Long term bets on a 5 year old platform.

Why would you have a short term outlook?
You can follow @FiGuide.
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