SO -- I have a new theory about Libras. Basically, I think American Libras are unique set up to fail at achieving their objectives. Here's a few reasons why BUT the TL;DR will be me blaming the performative morality of this country ESPECIALLY digital natives.
The masculine Venus sign, her cardinal energy, the exaltation of Saturn and fall of the Sun -- Libra is the collective shaping the individual (as opposed to the more self-interested Taurus and self-determination of Aries)

Libra = power, order, and structure through consensus.
Americans aren't the only ones who do a lot of face work, but we really love to pretend that violence is somehow peaceful.

We also are experts at using social pressure and violence to enforce consensus. Thought control is the American specialty
How? WELL the same way Libra does things! We tell fun versions of our history that strip away anything offensive or unpleasant, exalt compromise and collaboration while actively and enthusiastically tribalizing ourselves.

Left or right, the performance is all that matters.
We worship the vapid, empty, performative celebrity culture that Venus rules -- Americans are so addicted to our illusion-based reality that material conditions, truth, and factors barely register to us.

Here again, Libra is really set up to fail.
At their best, a Libra will seek to understand both sides of an issue themselves, evaluate their own perspective, and seek a common ground to build a shared understanding from.

They then use that shared foundation to build whatever they were after originally.
In the US, we have a winner-take-all mentality. Collaboration is always framed as a lose-lose situation, where no one gets what they really wanted in the end.

We celebrate and encourage competition as a moral good while reframing Christian morality into a hateful work ethic.
Imagine having a natural inclination toward creating compromise in a culture where "compromise" necessitates misdirection, omission, and submission. Where "justice" is transparently for sale and self-serving. Where "peace" is a victor-victim relationship.
Americans have so successfully bleached our morality and ethics that Libra, who utilizes those tools to attain success, must use the mores of a society where truth, justice, and reality are negotiable.

That leaves them with our last bastion of shared culture -- pop culture.
Our association with Libra and the more vapid, shallow ideas of beauty is more a reflection of our culture than anything to do with Venus.

Remember, she also rules over mores, values, and our cultural ideals -- Libras are naturally in tune with these things.
To create peace, a Libra must become deceptive and underhanded.

To build understanding, a Libra must appear ignorant or submissive.

To satisfy themselves, a Libra must be a satisfying object.

I cannot think of a sign less equipped to do well in the States.
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