I really don’t care if people want to unfollow me for saying this, but if you unnecessarily harass people that have done something wrong by attacking them as a person, you aren’t supporting a cause or belief. It’s wrong, and it’s not okay.

I want to elaborate on what I mean.
There’s a difference between informing someone on their mistake or wrongdoing versus harassing and attacking them because whatever they did was wrong in your eyes (even if they knew it was wrong, and had malicious intent).

This difference is important to me because...
people get lulled into this almost vigilante thinking process that if the person you’re targeting did something wrong, they don’t deserve to be treated with any ounce of decency.

You don’t have to respect someone to keep yourself from doing something like degrade them.
Again, why does this matter beyond ethics and morality?

Call me an optimist, but believe it or not people can change. And I’m not talking by debating with them on why what they said or did was wrong. Typically, I mean years down the road from now. Perhaps even decades.
We flock to media representation of these broken characters that are doing something “heroic” because they “know they can’t take back what they did, but maybe they can do a little to change someone else’s life for the better,”.

And here’s the thing about these characters...
they may be dramatizations or fictional, but consumers FAWN over them.

Now don’t assume that what I’m saying is that archetypes represented in media are healthy models for real people.
The overprotective and controlling boyfriend (@ Severus Snape) archetype would be one that should never be used as reference. I think everyone can agree that if someone finds that character attractive in theory, in real life it very much would not be okay.

My point is that...
these characters are so easily forgiven. “That’s the past, what matters is what you’re doing now.”

Why is it so hard to think this could be applicable to real people? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not agreeing with the depicted thought process.

I’m saying that you don’t know what...
what a person’s future holds.

If you demean them and harass them to the point that they are moved to take their life, you just stole uncountable innocent lives.

You cannot tell me that this person’s children were going to do the same wrong things their parent did.
It’s like saying a convict that has paid their time should never be given the opportunity for reform. They should never be employed again.

But listen, there’s a vast difference in someone who sold drugs and someone who committed arson or murder.
In NO way am I excusing people’s behavior that have seriously fucked up. (i.e. bullies, racists, etc.)

It’s hard for me to imagine how someone could think that way and not see something wrong with it.

So I’m not saying befriend racists or provide them with opportunities...
you shun them, tell them what they did was wrong, call them out, tell others about them, and so on Their behavior is sick and twisted, and is never ever okay.

But going out of your way to harass them doesn’t make you any better or a person at that point.

So what’s harassment?
Well, maybe better phrased, what ISN’T harassment?
Calling them out and telling them that what they did or said was wrong. Expressing that their words or actions are hurtful. Informing them on why it was wrong. Letting others know that this person did or said something wrong. ETC
Things that are harassment would be sending them death threats, continuously contacting them to tell them they don’t deserve to live, going out of your way to say or do something that triggers genuine trauma, intentionally spreading misinformation, degrading them, and so on.
Now some clarification on takeaways people may have gathered unintentionally...
1. You have a right to be skeptical of them if they claim reformation.
2. Even after reformation, you do not have to forgive them.
3. They do not deserve your respect, respect is earned.
4. ...
4. You don’t have to agree with me!!!!!
5. Murderers and pedophiliacs do NOT apply to this philosophy.
6. Not all people are capable of reform, nor should it be expected.
7. You do not have to try and see the best in these people.
8. ...
8. These people are not owed any explanation on why their behavior was wrong, especially from POC.
9. Harassing these people is drama and you’re probably feeding into their ego. *Again!! calling them out or anything similar is NOT drama.
I’m WHITE, I’m privileged as FUCK What I say should be taken with a grain of salt.

If given the chance I’d probably spit and stomp on a racist (which yes, is harassment).

I don’t even agree with all the things I said, I just wanted to promote an alternative view.
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