I listened to @TheRickWilson discuss the effect of RBG’s death on in The New Abnormal podcast this morning. He sees the current situation as a net plus for Democrats, based upon polling over the weekend & talks with GOP insiders.
All pro-life Republicans are already voting for trump, so the open seat won’t help him. On the other hand, 18-30 women will turn out in record numbers for Democrats. It’s not just an abortion vote for them— RBG was a hero to young women. GOP is disrespecting her & her dying wish.
@TheRickWilson says Democrats must keep their focus on the confirmation process, not abortion. There is a huge consensus across both parties that the next president should fill the seat.
Wilson says focusing on abortion hurts Democrats with some constituencies. In particular, pro-life Puerto Ricans in FL and blacks in GA are still Democrats, but focusing on abortion will create problems for them.
[I think Biden is doing the right thing by making this about Obamacare, too. SCOTUS hears a case to kill ACA just one week after election. Adding a Republican now is just a GOP move to kill health care. This was a winning issue in 2018 that’s timely again because of RBG.]
Packing the court is unknown and unpopular. Wilson says to stay away from new ideas completely before the election. What the country wants more than anything right now is stability and an end to chaos.

[Impeaching Barr now would be a bad idea for the same reason.]
Wilson sees this situation as bad for GOP senators up for election for the same reason. Americans think it’s wrong to have one set of rules for a GOP president and another set of rules for a Democratic president.
@TheRickWilson sees a real opportunity for @harrisonjaime to beat Lindsey Graham. @ProjectLincoln spent a million dollars in SC last week, and will do the same thing this week.
The fairness issue should play well in close races like Montana and Iowa, too. Wilson doesn’t see the RBG situation changing much in North Carolina, though. He believes Susan Collins is toast, and predicts she’ll support a trump nominee no matter what she’s saying now.
[I think @mjhegar should make this an issue for John Cornyn. As a lawyer & former Texas Supreme Court justice he should value due process & right & wrong more than anyone. Yet he has already said he’ll vote to confirm a trump nominee after blocking Obama’s nominee.]
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