The English (and american) Albanian diaspora

The most disrespectful, shameful, anti-albanian and brainwashed diaspora (mainly women)
Their only weapon is to call you "racist, mysogin, supremacist, homophobic, etc" (without being) or "Albanian men 🤢 (even their father and brothers), Albanian men are trash 🤢, our culture need an update 🤬 (to please progressive western culture) "etc
They are Albanian by their parents, but in reality they are not. They are not proud to be Albanians, they do not like Albania and Albanians, they fight and spit on our culture and our real mentality (not the false one) every day
They claim to be Albanian only when it's cool & stylish to be, only when it suits them, only because we have a "cool flag 🥵" & to wear the Albanian necklace. They are not patriots, those who are, are false patriots (only when it's nice to be or when Dua Lipa post great Albania)
Their specialty is to provoke Albanians, to generalize all Albanians, even to be racist towards Albanians. And when normal Albanians respond to provocations (even without insults), girls in this diaspora write "the answers prove the tweet" it's a vicious circle
Some no longer even hide their hatred and discrimination of their people, mentioning Serbs to try to provoke more Albanians who answer them, discriminating "katunars" which means "villagers", not to mention the thousands of katunars who have shed blood for our country
Some shameful responses from girls from this diaspora approving the tweets of the two people who insulted Albanians (so their own people)
Pa turp.
All this propaganda, woke culture, progresism, pro-mixity, pro lgbt, blm, are ravaging these people, they forget their culture and religion. They forget that their culture and their religion does not allow them to support this kind of organization (LGBT, etc.)
The vast majority of them have "blm" in their bio, while our own people, Albanian are undergoing silent ethnic cleansing in southern Serbia, discrimination in Macedonia Greece Montegro, where is their "AlbanianLivesMatter" ? They favor a foreign cause that doesn't care about them
Is all this the fault of the parents ? from a bad education ? of the society ? assimilation ? bad friends ? This is a very difficult question to answer, several factors can lead to this kind of situation
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