Please share! This is important for us and our planet. I think people forget that we are living on this! If the world dies so do we... sort it! I will thread down how to make an impact from home!
1. SPEAK UP! Retweet this helpful tweet and now and then retweet helpful updates/news.

2. Power up on plants! They are cute, increase happiness and help the environment!

3. Use less electricity! It’s not hard to knock of a light when leaving your rooms, it takes 5 seconds.
4. Reduce water waste! Mostly hot water, this is because it takes a lot of energy to pump, heat and treat your water.
5. Eat less meat! You don’t need to go vegi or vegan, that’s not my point. Cutting down on meat is good on you and the world! It makes a huge difference to the world and also is a good and healthy way to loose weight :) (if u want to loose weight) ...
... from being vegetarian I can admit it is a lil hard at first but once you get into the pattern it’s super easy! If you want to cut down on meat, let’s start w/ No Meat Mondays! I recommend ‘quorn’ meals, this is a brand of vegetarian food and lemmi say- most taste like meat!
7. Buy better bulbs. We’ve heard this many times but it really does help. LED lightbulbs >>

8. Walk more. It’s healthy for the body, easy way to loose weight, also super fun if you make it! And no carbon fuels are entering the atmosphere.

You can follow @NatHargreeves.
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