BREAKING: Whistleblower lawsuit unearths documents proving MASSIVE coverup of nuclear corruption. The corruption spans decades and implicates Dems & RINOS, Senators, Governors, & Presidents. The whistleblowers were Cold Warriors helping defeat the Soviets, then they got poisoned.
The PORTS plant in Ohio was run by Goodyear Atomic for decades (many toxic leaks occurred under this now-defunct company). After the Cold War ended, the Clinton administration privatized the U.S. Enrichment Corp (USEC). Cronies everywhere 🤑💰 read this:
Clinton put his old buddy and HS classmate Bill Rainer in control of USEC board. Rainer was a pro-baseball player. Had ZERO EXPERIENCE in finance, nuclear corps, nor government service. Corruption at USEC was rampant under Rainer who leveraged Clinton ties
This goes to heart of Clinton collusion with Russia. This was first big Russia nuclear payday BEFORE #UraniumOne. From Nation article: Rainer approved conflict of interest waivers for USEC execs. Windfalls in the thousands turned to millions for Clinton profiteers. Obama here too
Podesta, Clintons, Al Gore, Skadden Arps, Patton Boggs, JP Morgan & LOTS of other politically connected players involved here. Whistleblowers allege USEC ignored safety protocols in favor of bigger profits. Corrupt players at DOE & FBI silenced whistleblower complaints for years.
If you've never heard of the Megatons to Megawatts deal, it's crucial for understanding Clinton collusion with Russia and the impetus for the Uranium One deal. Clintons and their ilk systematically destroyed American domestic uranium production for Russia.
The ^linked Tenex PDF is fascinating read on the M2M deal. Notice it was negotiated by Clinton cronies (Bill Richardson *cough Epstein*. Other names to remember: Leon Fuerth (Al Gore asst), Alexei Grigoriev (Russian nuke exec), Fletcher Newton (now Russia's Uranium One lobbyist)
I wrote about Megatons to Megawatts in my book on FBI corruption. Leon Fuerth helped negotiate the deal as VP Gore's natsec assistant. In 2010, Fuerth was revealed to be a target of the Illegals Program spy ring (Remember Anna Chapman?). This story is about Russian nuke influence
And you remember Uranium One whistleblower William "Doug" Campbell? While undercover for FBI, Campbell worked with Biden's future energy advisor AMOS HOCHSTEIN--They dealt with corrupt Russian nuclear execs whose goal was to destroy U.S. domestic uranium industry. EXCLUSIVE DOCS:
You may be wondering, what about Obama? He's up to his eyeballs in nuke corruption. He helped Putin destroy US nuclear sector. Chicago-based nuke corp, Exelon, (aka "President's Utility") founded by Rahmbo & bought young Obama. Exelon buys Russian nuke fuel for CHEAP. #UraniumOne
To wrap this thread up, the sick/radiated nuclear workers in Ohio thought they were helping our country. Instead they were helping line the pockets of Clinton/Obama/Biden cronies. They thought their work was patriotic but it weakened USA and strengthened Russia. MUCH MORE coming!
In my book #Compromised, I lay out how Comey & Mueller FBI are directly involved in nuclear corruption. Notably, Comey bagged $10 million working for Lockheed Martin as General Counsel. Guess who ran USEC plants (and many other nuclear plants being sued)...
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