After all the negative press on @BorisJohnson, here finally is a piece that gives real insights into why we are where we are, and - if you read between the lines and negativity, it also gives a glimpse of how we could find a way out of this mess.
This article by @robertshrimsley explains why the PM is unlikely to be happy with the trajectory and performance of his government, but at the same time is likely to feel powerless to make the changes required, despite nominally being the most powerful man in the country.
Make no mistake, the article is overly negative, but @robertshrimsley gets some crucial points.
Firstly, that Boris' leadership style is to delegate, which is by no means a bad thing, but we can't expect solitary journalists to be experts on how to lead large organisations.
Delegation is actually one of the best styles of leadership - by empowering others around us we can bring out the best in them.
But politics is about politics, and those that get involved tend to have an agenda of their own, which may be at odds with that of their leader.
Secondly, he understands Boris' sense of loyalty, which is sadly not matched by many of those around him.
Indeed if it were, quite a few of them should have fallen on their swords over the embarrassement they brought on him by their bad advice and errors of judgement.
It is clear that @robertshrimsley gets this, as we writes;
"Mr Johnson feels reliant on those who won him the election but forgets that voters also responded to his sunnier personality and his implicit promise that by getting Brexit done, the country would start to heal"
The problem he notes is that "government has been subcontracted to a group who despise MPs, scapegoat officials and care not for checks and balances. Their innate authoritarianism (which is not Mr Johnson’s) alienates liberal Tories."
But I disagree with Shrimsley's pessimism that Boris wont do anything to change this - that is a decision he would be wise to make - and can still make.
In fact, the reason some of my friends backed him was for his capacity to change track when the road ahead became blocked.
There still is time for Boris to reassess the situation, to realise that to #GetBrexitRight he needs to #MakeBrexitWork and that the campaigners who brought him there aren't necessarily the right people for that job.
Perhaps he should take a leaf out of the book of not Churchill, but out of Harold Macmillan, and look at what he did in 1962...

A major cabinet reshuffle could cure all the difficulties he and the country finds itself in.

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