To those fighting for gender equality I hope you know we need more female soldiers in the north east. People who are fearless, passionate & ready to show the male gender they can do it

Most of you shouting should apply o.
Let's start doing it right especially security wise.
More so don't forget that we need to be ready to take up responsibilities from the men by action not social media outcry.
Anyway Apapa tankers and trucks need female drivers as well as people to offload trucks.

Let's be timely and fast about it.
Women we can do it.
I will be glad to see my gender taking over in places the men least expect we will be found.

Digging of wells, digging of gutters, lifting of cement, bricklaying, conductors, capenters etc.

We have to get equal quota.
50% men 50% women.

Let's fight for it
From there we can look into religion.
As we have fathers we can have mothers.
As we have Male Imams we can have female Imans.

Then we move to politics as we have godfathers, we have godmothers.
Equal no of seats for female and male senators and house or rep members.
But first of all we must start from security.
Join the military or STFU
We are all unique male or female.
We all have roles to play in the society.
We all can't because of one painful past, troubled upbringing, wanting to be expressive type nonsense from your pain to bring the other gender down.
Some people who constitute both genders may have intentionally or unintentionally done things you disapprove but that shouldn't make you shouting for equality online is the way forward.

Heal my dear, heal.
And to the men be responsible and carry your selves as kings, treat women with respect, love and care. Motivate them and encourage them to do great thing.
Don't be the reason your gender is disrespectful and abused.
Rep your gender naaaa
Stop being untamed dogs with rabies looking fo who to infect. You don't fight for superiority you earn it.

Dear Fathers if you have trained your kids to see life with the perspective that women are weakling you will pay for it some day.
Dear mother if you were hurt by a man don't raise your girl with the wrong motive.
Heal and train her with love.

Train our men to be decent, responsible and loving. Let the know the value of women and respect them.
We want to have an economy, a country, a world competitive over the right mindset.

We can have men and women rule, teach, fight side by side as team members not feeling inferior or superior.
Alot of you who fight for equality is as a result of one bitter experience at some point in your life.
You can compete becoz you have a good cause, let's stop unnecessarily hating one gender, dragging one gender & faulting them.

Half of you will still end up in the arms of a man
Yes you don't want them yet you buy dildo
You don't want them yet you grow wet seeing a cute muscular man.

We exist to be each others company.
Kill the hate and let's have positive competition.

Awon femi, kunle you better learn self control
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