So because both that tweet is unfalsifiable and I don't know you personally, I wouldn't be able to advance that argument about you in good faith and reason. But what I do believe is that radical feminism (not just terfs) has, since the 60s and 70s when it was founded, (1/n)
comprised itself mostly of women rejected by society and in the outliers of gender. So because of that, there's this prevalent mindset among them that femininity isn't natural but it's actually entirely an awful system of oppression imposed on women by men. (2/n)
They hate and reject anything that has to do with femininity and that part of womanhood, which is in contradiction to their identities as women. Which can leave some insecure about being women. So they would be inclined to make themselves more secure in their womanhood (3/n)
The first way they might is that they attach themselves to a definition of womanhood (for example, chromosomes) that is solid and unchanging, but on its own doesn't affect the outside world and really matter. So now they don't have to worry about losing any real womanhood. (4/n)
There are a lot in the trans women community that do this same practice due to insecurity in being women. Some say that you just need to believe you're a woman to be a woman. Others say you need a "female brain" to be a woman, or to have gender dysphoria. (5/n)
Those definitions leave their womanhood both solid and unchanging so that they don't have to worry about not being women, but ultimately are arbitrary, useless, and don't really affect anything.

Regardless, all of these groups envy womanhood, which they're insecure about (6/n)
And so another way that the terf can make themselves more comfortable in their womanhood is bring down and place oneself above people who they think have less of it. That includes many trans women.

But in ways, some trans women are more confident in womanhood than terfs (7/n)
Many trans women are willing to drastically change their life and put themselves on a bottom rung of society because they are that confident that they are women and that they need to do everything to be one. And those with this confidence have something that the terf envies (8/8)
@Binky37221801 forgot to mention you in this thread
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