1) Lemme riff about Mittens for a quick moment here.

The baseline, the key point, the tl;dr is, I really, REALLY don’t give a fuck about Mitt Romney. He’s a vote on a Senate floor and he’s not on the Judiciary committee. So long as he’s a yes to end cloture and confirm, fine. https://twitter.com/SenatorRomney/status/1308403638897958914
2) This dude has had more scorn and vitriol heaped onto him from both sides of the aisle than nearly any other Senator.

Graham catches a lot of flak too. And Rubio. And Collins and Murkowski. When they break ranks on a topic, the new right is REAL quick to jump on them.
3) Why, exactly, are we so quick to attack them?

No, really. Why? They don’t listen to us, clearly, they aren’t accountable to us in any meaningful way, but people get so worked up in a frenzy to attack that its almost unreal.
4) The problem is that right now, the Senate is broken.

Really, it is, it’s utterly fucking broken.

Direct election of Senators was probably the WORST way we’ve fucked up our Constitution.
5) We sit here and we bitch about Senators whose elections we as individuals have little say in because there’s millions of other votes in just moderate sized states.

See, THAT’S one of the key features of the original structure of the constitution no one seems to notice.
6) They worked to break down the voting to provide the maximum impact at as local a level as possible.

The house had districts.

Senators were chosen by state legislators who were voted on in very specific localities.
7) Right now, if your Senator acts like an ass, you have zero input.

Before you could look at your local assemblyman/state senstor/etc and go, “Yo, why the fuck is this guy in office?”

The biggest lie we were told was that voting for senators directly would be ‘more democratic’
8) One vote among thousands has magnitudes more impact than one amongst millions. A guy who has to be reelected every 2 years has far more at stake than someone who runs every 6.
9) So, again.... I don’t really give a fuck about Mitt Romney. He gets the Utah Senate seat probably until he retires. If he loses it, it goes to a Dem, who’ll be even worse.

Until the system gets corrected back to its original intent, then as far as I’m concerned, fuck it.

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