I'd like to add a little context...I will admit I am angry and hurt by the senior military/DoD leadership who didn't support our family but setting that aside, there is a bigger picture. https://twitter.com/natsechobbyist/status/1308422053847068672
When the "victim" was a LTC, it was a nuisance--a pawn the Queens could sacrifice with little thought--in order to avoid a larger confrontation.
Alas, the confrontations have continued & the stakes are ever higher but with their silence the DoD leadership has encouraged the president's behavior. If u don't speak up the *FIRST* time u see a wrong, u lose the moral high ground & u take the first step down a slippery slope.
I am sure these leaders think they are doing great things--many have spent a lifetime in service to our nation--but if you must abandon your principles in order to keep your job, that's not reconcilable with being a leader of integrity.
The positions they hold are the crowning achievements of remarkable careers, but now they are tainted. They were tainted the first moment they failed to stand up for what is right.
Blindly supporting a bad leader makes you complicit. No amount of apologies or explanatory jujitsu will ever change the fact that President Trump's senior DoD/military leadership is at least partially to blame for the position in which we currently find ourselves.
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