You have no reason to trust this train of thought... But give it a minute. This will be a short thread. Read it and consider it. Up until the death of RBG the Democrats were pushing VOTE BY MAIL as the end all be all....Once she passed HRC and AOC came out and SAID ......
"I voted in PERSON"..... Ask yourself why? It is because prior to her passing.... they had States sue to extend the time to count ballots. At that time.... they had RBG and John Roberts to give them comfort that if & WHEN this was challenged to the highest court...
They would WIN. Now that she has passed watch for the PIVOT to VOTE in PERSON. WHY? Because with VOTE by mail...they would KNOW the number of votes by in person the night of the election. That would allow them to DO THE MATH.... How many registered VOTERS had cast in person...
which would tell them HOW MANY VOTES the could use in VOTE BY MAIL to manipulate to their END. They now know that plan is SHOT. Counting Mail votes for an additional 10 days knowing the votes they could play with is GONE. This is why the PANIC. THEY KNOW
Their GOOSE is cooked now. WATCH them beg 4 VOTE in PERSON now. THEY thought they had outsmarted the system. GOD called and raised! RETWEET so that all Patriots KNOW this. Please! We MUST end this tyranny at the polls.... @realDonaldTrump will see to it that they are punished!
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