RBG believed that the pendulum, not the bald eagle, is the true symbol of America. When the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it always swings back, she famously remarked.

RBG believed in norms & traditions as course corrections, propellants of that pendulum if you will.
The Supreme Court is the ultimate pendulum in American society & in 2016, it was swinging back to a liberal majority for the first time since the Nixon era, ending four decades of conservative rule.

Until Mitch broke the sacred contract. The pendulum is no longer our symbol.
When systems break, the only remediation is to use the tools and procedures at your disposal to course correct.

Trump said two nights ago 'when you have the Senate & the votes, you can sort of do what you want.'

He's right.
Harm reduction is only a viable strategy for so long before the people demand more.

When Democrats get the Senate back, they have an obligation to end the filibuster, add SC justices, establish statehood for DC & PR, & pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
If Democrats do not do this, I don't see why their voters should ever be excited to vote for them again.
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