When @liztruss says three "new" gender clinics will shorten waiting lists by 1,600 patients by 2022, she is ignoring the fact that this is a tiny fraction of the 13,500 adults waiting & the more than 6000 children & young people waiting for a first appointment.
Also the clinics aren't new & they aren't addressing adolescent gender care, which has the greatest need.
Back of the envelope maths based upon the Governments uncited figures, assuming a single clinic can see an average of 533 service users from the wait list, the NHS would need 37 new clinics simply to clear the existing wait list, not accounting for the predicted annual increase.
The NHS would need to times existing capacity by 5! There are many reasons why this is neither feasible nor economic, including that there are simply insufficient psychological and psychotherapeutic clinicians to work in these clinics.
This is less than a band aid for the dying.
We need a revolution in trans health not platitudes, or more of the same outdated, pathologising & systemically transphobic & inaccessible healthcare system that exists today. @drmbrady @TransNHS @RainbowNHSBadge @NHSEngland
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