For today's #PedsMatch21 thread let's discuss our GI care. We have a large #pediatricGI center and see all types of patients. We have a very large population of pediatric IBD and short gut patients in addition to more common diagnoses ... 1/
constipation, gastric dysmotility, functional abdominal pain, gastritis, etc. We also are fortunate to have a combo #EoE clinic with A&I that occurs weekly and a TPN dependent clinic called CIRCle. We do numerous scopes every week and have 2/ ....
a busy inpatient GI service so you will get plenty of exposure both in and out of the hospital. It is a very popular fellowship choice among our residents with 2 applying for the #match this year! Be prepared to learn about the #GI system but don't bring any #hotchipsortakis
You can follow @UTHSCPediatrics.
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