Okay, yeah. Libras can be a bit annoying. Imagine hanging out with someone who seems to be everybody's friend, but at the same time, act holier-than-thou because they somewhat align their actions with their morals.
However, I think the Libra experience is a lot more complex than a lot of people think, and it's an injustice to trivialize such an experience.
Libra is the sign where Venus is in domicile, where the Sun falls, and where Saturn is exalted. Libra is also the only sign where its symbol is not an animal or human - but an object. Libra is represented by the scales in astrology.
When I think about the way people take technology for granted, I think about the way a Libra experiences life with others. For a Libra, everybody is aware of how useful and helpful they are, but nobody really knows who they are.
I think a lot of Libra hate comes because a lot of people feel duped once their humanity really comes out. Suddenly, people realize that while Libras want to be as helpful and peaceful as possible, they're also... human with normal, but selfish needs.
I don't even think most Libras like the fact that they're human. They desire to be the instrument of justice and peace, but then get resentful when they realize that just being an instrument of justice means that they can't experience the benefits of being a human.
Libras deserve an existence where they're more than just an shell of beauty made to solve your problems. They're more than that. They remind me of robots that want to be human, but when they become human, everyone expects them to master the human experience as soon as possible.
Isn't it ironic that people get mad at Libras for always slipping away from responsibilities and using passivity to escape accountability when they're the very same people who pressure Libra into that slippery, dark place? The place of no self-created identity?
People think about exercising justice onto people in society, but do people ever wonder if justice itself has to be just? Nobody has to think about it, because they assume that justice will always be just. But sometimes, justice isn't - justice can be hypocritical and twisted.
Saturn is exalted in Libra for a reason. Libra doesn't make the rules, but as an honored guest, Libra definitely gets a free pass. However, with the Sun falling in Libra, getting that free pass means diminishing your identity to highlight others. It's a give and take situation.
Libra is also domicile in Venus - the nice perk is that you're likable and with other people, you don't have to do much to get your way because you're charming. But that benefit really shines the most when you enforce rules. Libra's a glorified rule enforcer with no identity.
I think the best way to understand a Libra is to realize that people are more than their skills. I think Libras get so resentful when they sit and realize that maybe, people only like them because of the things they do for them and not for who they are.
The experience of being vulnerable with your identity is something Libra will face more intensely than the other signs. Libras have the responsibility to show their humanity in others. Our responsibility is to make sure that they have a safe place to do it.
Also, don't be fooled. Libra's desire to be a helpful problem solver doesn't make them weak. That doesn't mean that they're a doormat, ready to be walked on. If they let you walk on them, it's because they're preparing to walk on you later. Remember, it's equality with them!
You can best bet that if a Libra doesn't know what to do in a situation, they'll probably most likely mimic you because they're assuming that you thought about the impact of your actions before doing it. Hence, when they mirror back, they assume that you're not going to get mad.
I think the moment you frame Libra as a weak, flaky, and passive sign, you underestimate them. However, underestimating is part of the Venusian plan. Venus-ruled signs get their way because people underestimate them. They get their way, and it works - and people get mad.
I think the last thing I'll say is that Libra is definitely a cardinal sign. Libra teaches us that initiating doesn't always have to be loud and proud - like Libra's opposing sign, Aries. Sometimes, initiation can be gentle and sweet - and transferred to another person.
Libra's skilled at making you think that you make your own ideas. That's just concealed initiating. Libras like to put their own plans into someone else, but their plans are still their own. This is what happens when you make them into a shell of aesthetics instead of a human!
Anyways, I hope I did Libra justice with my thoughts on them. Libras are more than just people who don't know what to eat for lunch. They're complex, interesting, and hopefully, loved.
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