Open tweet to @BorisJohnson and

Dear Boris and Matt,
Stop lying to the UK Public. We know you are lying, and you know we know that. So just stop.

Stop saying you are following science. Your scientists are comprised and have conflicts of
interest with vaccine companies. We know it. You know we know it. And we dont believe anything they say as a result.

Stop killing our elderly. You said your policy of locking us down in March was to protect our most vulnerable. But you sent them to care homes from hospital
without testing them for Covid and then you mandated a policy of withdrawing all their support systems. As a result they died. Covid was put on their death certificates even though they hadnt had tests. So their cause of death was false. As they died from lack of care due to
your policies. We know it. And you know we know it.

Stop telling us we cannot attend the funerals of our loved ones, which have mainly died as a result of your policies. We have a right to mourn them and you do not have a mandate to govern this area of our lives
stop harming our children's education and stop making them afraid to go to school and socialise. We do not follow your pseudo science on masks. We know masks have no efficacy. You know we know that.

Stop crippling businesses and making people lose their jobs, for a virus
with a 99.99% recovery rate. The real science tells us we are safe and if you continue to wreak havoc on employment we will have no choice but to stop paying our taxes and your wages.

Stop denying people healthcare by making the NHS unavailable. We have paid for it.
It is ours not yours, & we employ the doctors and nurses in the NHS to serve us. Its not our job to protect the NHS, it's their job to protect us. Any doctors and nurses who dont agree please leave the NHS immediately as I for one will not pay for you to keep your job
Stop using your 77th brigade goons to try and frighten us. We all know real soldiers stand on the front line for their country and people and many have given their life. 77th brigade are not soldiers. They sit behind a keyboard and are an affront to all our heroes who have
died serving this country and to all our veterans who you continue to mistreat.

Stop thinking you can tell us when we can get a haircut, go and see our family, go to the pub, and how many people we can meet up with. You cant. As it's not your job. We are grown ups and will
do as we damn well see fit after making our own risk assessments.

Stop using your psycho babble messages via the media to try and drain us mentally and make us give up. They don't work on all of us and those they dont work on will never stop fighting your tyranny
By contrast DO consider speaking to Michael Yeadon, Carl Heneghan, Karol Sikora, Dolores Cahill, Judy Mikovits, Andrew Kaufman and the many other honest doctors and scientists that can help devise a policy which is both proportionate and reasonable to all during this time.
We are done with you. We say "no more". Your time is up. The British people have spoken.

And now many will no doubt rise.

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