All things (inc. material, thoughts, feelings, your body, your actions) are energetic motions that have causal implications. They affect each other. Approaching from this paradigm normal, seemingly unsolvable problems become solvable and rational. e.g. How do I motivate myself?..
Answer: By adjusting your every day reality (inc thoughts, feelings, body, actions), in the moment, to accord with what you want to manifest. Wuh? But specifically, how do I for example, learn about neuroscience? I need to for my work. Well you have a lot of options...
1. Open a neuroscience book and look at it.
2. Imagine yourself looking at neuroscience articles on wikipedia.
3. Come up with a good, fundamental reason why you would want to do that, why that matters to you.
4. Ask a question related to specifically doing that.

... (Cont)
5. Visualize the experience of learning it. How it makes you feel, how concentrated you want to be. Intend that reality to exist.
6. Just literally force your body to do things that kind-of look like what you want to do.
7. Think about neuroscience.

But "I can't!" ... Well...
Consider that everything you're doing is causally implicated. You can't do one thing because you're causally generating another. Reality is causally generating another. If you want reality to change, you have to change reality. That means making changes, right now.
You're stuck in a causal chain. Adjusting that causal chain is not a science, it's an art, and everything, INCLUDING the time when you're not thinking in terms of a causal chain, or just doing whatever, or not really focused, are part of that causal chain.
So how do you do something? Well, what are you doing? What is happening right now? What is that causally linked to? What are you manifesting with your intentions? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? How can you change that? What can you do?
The problem isn't *you*, or your *way of seeing things* or *how you feel* or anything, that view is way, way too restrictive. The problem is that you

1. Aren't aware of, putting attention to, the causal chain.
2. Aren't manifesting what you want in the causal chain.
Manifesting is just adding momentum to intention. Momentum is added by adding energy. Everything is energy. Add things to your intention to make it more powerful. Visualization of doing the thing is a crude example, so is "feeling what it would be like doing it". But it works.
Awareness I'm still working on. Hopefully this thread helps.
Helps me become more aware of the causal chain, that is. May all beings be happy, free from suffering, and successful in that happiness though, for sure. But you're the heirs of your own karma, so the meditation goes.
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