In 1919 the media and her controllers launched a psychological assault on the Australian population pertaining to the imminent appearance of a deadly disease that was headed for our shores, known initially as the pneumonic influenza epidemic.
The public became erratic with the media feeding the fear and the states acted not much better with all borders closed and non-essential travel ground to a halt.
The Spanish flu as it came to be known as a "new and killer disease" that was previously unheard of and could behave in a variety of strange ways. Unfortunately, it took hold in Victoria but was initially contained.
Fear grasped the nation as the public demanded action. The government of course was happy to comply and sought the advice from a specialist to provide the "road-map" required to deal with this new concern. Dr. Lanza, a rockerfeller rep was flown to Australia to head up the fight.
There were a number of things that had to be done, according to Dr. Lanza.

1. Compulsory face masks - everyone had to wear one. No service, no mask. In fact, some people even died fighting for their right not to wear what would later be discovered a useless piece of fabric.
2. Everything had to be disinfected. Strange men were seen walking around cities, dressed up in their face masks spraying surfaces to rid it of the dreaded germ.
3. Social distancing was key. 6 foot of distance from other people became an edict. Some people, however, didn't take these rules too seriously and the media ran various stories about selfish beachgoers who refused to socially distance.
4. Isolation was critical for all individuals suspected of having the disease. Track and trace was also used with individuals suspected of "contamination" to be hunted down and removed for "everyone's safety". Yes, the tyranny was real but the virus? not so much.
The government employed the services of scientists to help create the treatment for this terrible disease and within 3 months - YES 3 months they had a cure.
An edict was passed from high that everyone must be inoculated for this dreaded disease. (It's about this time that the disease spread to NSW)
Everyone got the jab. You couldn't come into the country without one. You couldn't work in government without one. You had to comply. But this caused problems. What should we do with those people who are getting sick from the inoculation PM?
About this time influenza had "mutated". It was no displaying all sorts of unusual behaviours. Was it the bubonic plague, was it carried by insects? No one could be sure which was all the more reason everyone should be inoculated.
And inoculated they were. All the way to the indigenous communities (we didn't want to run any risks).
Unfortunately that inoculation was actually a live bacteria. (Sorry about that guys) and in spite of the fact that the pneumonic influenza strain was never specifically identified, the total number of deaths in Australia exceeded 55,000 and the make-shift hospitals were in demand
The 1919 pandemic lasted almost 5 years. In that time, the economy was ruined, the middle class destroyed and the city centres all but devastated.
There was however some good news. Premiers announced that they would be converting factories to manufacture masks. (This was good for both the economy and peoples health).
When individuals were finally allowed outside it had to be done in the open air - because the virus didn't travel outdoors.
This insanity, this stupidity went on for almost 7 years. 7 years of hell for the Victorian population. 7 years is also the number of years a slave is held captive before been released.
The 1919 pandemic was perhaps one of the most tyrannical hoaxes ever thrust upon the good people of Australia. Well, it was, until exactly 100 years later.

There is only one solution to end this madness.
It's up to you!
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