What’s truly dumb about progressive gripes about the Electoral College is that absolutely no electoral system is "perfectly" representative (people have done the game theory math on this). Britain’s first past the post system means you can have an absolute majority with ...
... 30% of the vote. France’s run-off system, in its current incarnation, means that whoever squeezes past Marine Le Pen gets elected, even if the majority of the country dislikes him. Proportional systems lead to all sorts of weird party-coalition games that often ...
... end up with a government that represents something else than what voters voted for.

You can argue the merits and demerits of each system, but saying that it’s not perfectly representative is not an argument since none is.
Donald Trump was elected President despite losing the popular vote. But Emmanuel Macron is President and has a majority despite being supported by only 30% of the country.
Angela Merkel leads a Grand Coalition of center-left and center-right after an election that was a slap in the face to those two establishment parties. Bibi Netanyahu...well, you don’t even want to know what’s going on over there.
The whole *concept* of ~representative~ democracy is to say, we have this set of rules, and they’re not going to be perfect, but they’re going to be the rules, and we’re going to play by them, because that’s how we avoid civil war. That’s the package that was sold to us.
You lost an election. Get over it.
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