To go with our episode with Dr. Meera Shah, chief medical officer at Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, we wanted to talk about how #AbortionIsHealthcare


Abortion rights in America have been under sustained attack.

But, as Meera points out in our episode, it’s important to focus on where it’s being hit the hardest. The issue is about ACCESSIBILITY.

If you are rich or upper middle-class, the chances are, your reproductive rights are not in danger. Why? You can afford to access a safe abortion.

Abortion clinics can be difficult to come by. There are SIX states in the US that only have ONE ABORTION CLINIC. Depending on where you live and your socio-economic status, it can be nearly impossible to access a safe abortion.

In Texas alone, there are EIGHT ABORTION CLINICS. Total. In a 2014 study, it was found that 93% of Alabama counties do not provide abortion services. Alabama is one of MANY states where low-income people on Medicaid are not able to qualify for abortion coverage.

The attack on abortion rights is an attack on low-income communities. Teens, people of color, migrants and refugees are hit hardest by these restrictions because they can’t afford to pay, travel to a clinic, or take off work.

Abortion restrictions don’t stop abortions. They prevent safe ones. Abortion is a healthcare RIGHT. Regardless of one’s opinion on abortion, there should be no laws that restrict bodily autonomy.

Say it with us:
🗣 #abortionishealthcare

End of thread.
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