Do you know that in Japan, being able to eat fish cleanly is considered as mannerism and shows that you are well-raised by your parents?

Welcome to ✨useless but interesting✨ bakugo facts.

Pic: early season 4, where it’s shown that bakugo ate his fish PERFECTLY

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Okay first of all eating fish that’s not deboned with a CHOPSTICK is mentally draining even for ppl who are used to chopstick

If you googled [綺麗な魚食べ方] or “how to eat fish cleanly” you will find step by step instruction of how to and what not to do #bakugoufacts
If you go to youtube and searched the same keyword you will find a BUNCH of tutorial video
People that eat their fish cleanly and with the right mannerism were seen as:
- someone from a well educated and good family(not necessarily rich, but in Bakugo’s case yea he’s rich)
- capable person (at work)
I think Horikoshi put that scene there to show his “perfectionist” and “well-raised” side.

I saw some NON-japanese fans misunderstood his upbringing and saying his parents were abusive and stuff, but that’s not case. We’ll go deep into it next time ✨
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