1/ With Romney supporting a vote on Trump's SCOTUS nominee this year, pundits are proclaiming that a confirmation is inevitable.

Let me be blunt: that's total BS.

In fact, it's the same BS we were told in January of 2017 when pundits decided that ACA repeal was inevitable
2/ Nothing in politics is inevitable. On this issue, a MAJORITY OF AMERICANS are on our side. They don't want McConnell to rush through another nominee.

It's our responsibility to stop freaking the fuck out and start focusing on how to organize effectively in key states
3/ The good news is -- we know how to organize strategically. We've done it before -- and we won.

NOBODY thought we could save Obamacare in 2017/2018 -- but you know what, we did? And that strategy is a great blueprint for this fight.

So what did we do?
4/ We pushed constituents in key states -- House members and senators we thought could vote against ACA repeal -- to call their members repeatedly. To overwhelm the phone lines explaining how they would die without access to health care
5/ We collected stories from Americans whose lives were saved by Obamacare -- particularly those represented by members of Congress we thought could vote against Trump's efforts to repeal the law -- and we shared those stores far and wide
6/ We organized creative on-the-ground actions in key states, in front of key lawmakers, to ensure they understood that their constituents were pissed and that they would pay the price if they voted to repeal.

We brought constituents saved by ACA to meet with them in DC
7/ In short, we fought like hell over and over and over again.

And in the end we did what nobody thought was possible -- we beat back ACA repeal. Why?

1. we were persistent
2. we were strategic
3. we attacked from all sides

That's what we must do now in this SCOTUS fight!
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