On the bright side, dozens of people now know Philadelphia Weekly is still a thing.

I used to work there and have no ill will toward the specific iteration of people I worked with, except a few people maybe. But a pivot to "conservative media" with a kickstarter is just sad.
I'm pretty sure there's a Pa-based Koch Brother$ group that would have propped them up.
One more thing: It's been a while since I've seen a social media Philadelphia Weekly hate fest. I used to doom scroll that shit as a staffer in like 2012/2013. Feeling some sense of nostalgia today.
Holy shit, nothing more "alt" than parroting a TV traffic reporter's false equivalency.
The replies to the Philadelphia Weekly thing are so god damn funny. You scroll and it’s just hundreds of “eat shit” and “get fucked.”
God I forgot about the “punk” story from whenever it was. The writer looked like an asshole but I think editorial and ownership were largely to blame. The role of news leadership is to edit a story until its ready, not allow whatever bullshit comes your way to grace the cover.
And I say that as someone who learned it the hard way — at PW.
It seems like none of the current writers at the paper were informed about the editorial shift, which isn’t that shocking, though it is sad! Journalists already give way more than they get from their publications, no reason to keep anyone in the dark.
There’s something weird and desperate about announcing you’re going to be right wing now that makes it worse than just doing it. Like, they could have just started covering stories from a different angle then eventually been a right wing paper, I guess.
Rationalizing it in an announcement with a “hey you know what’s really “alt”? Tailgating in parking lots before Eagles games we aren’t allowed in to and hating homeless people. Right guys?” is so desperate.
This thread is better than any random thoughts I could come up with about it, btw: https://twitter.com/errrica/status/1308413335659044871
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