the way immigration is handled in amerikkka is so sinister. it's just a plan to export and import colonized people for their labor and discard them after their contributions at the expense of separating families and at the cost of their sanity. it is all intentional.
& the way imperialism aides in this as well. the continuous displacement of people in what they call 'the global south'. those in charge are completely aware that these people are not going to be choosy about their wages because they need whatever they can get.
also v important to note how disturbing the liberal discourse/arguments on how they reduce immigrants to their 'contributions to society'. not even slick. they talk about these people as if they are void of a life outside of their labor.
it's like being held hostage. you're exploited and you have limited choices. you choose from a limited set of options. one or two if that. be sent back home and risk death or be worked to death for a shit wage to maybe feed your family.
i've said this before but it's just always on my mind.
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