“And I see you. You like to do your little, like, Lolita Chola cosplay. I don’t fucking know, you think you Mexican or whatever the fuck you think you are, but bitch not today.” - Azealia Banks (2018) https://twitter.com/lanadelrey/status/1307839991892992001
I’ll never forgive y’all for saying Lana won that beef... Azealia Banks told her to go do her little oxycodone turns while she sings her little cokehead blues and I’ve never forgotten about it
Feel free to follow me because I think I’m pretty funny. I apologize if this tweet makes it look like I’m defending Azealia’s transphobic statements. Please support Black trans women: https://twitter.com/iconickbeauty/status/1301227587872714752
You can follow @insomniblvck.
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