In Ky leg committee, GOP Sen. Stephen West says water fluoridation is harmful, wants to pass bill repealing state mandate requiring it.

"There are new studies coming out every day showing the negative effects of adding fluoride to our water."
Dr. John Kall, a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry, said fluoride harms the brain. Also says communities should have the choice:

"No government should force our water utilities to add a neurotoxin to the public water supply. Brains cannot be repaired but teeth can."
Dr. Darren Greenwell, President of the KY Dental Association asks ppl to tune out "junk science," says "good science" shows fluoridation is safe & effective.

Those who say this is bad for us" are "the same people saying vaccinations are going to kill everybody."
Dr. Greenwell says KY should think twice before repealing fluoride mandate during covid: "I think we need to reconsider, especially in this pandemic time, trying to change this when access to [health] care is difficult."
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