Congrats to @KatKusic & Robin Dunford for putting together a panel on postsocialism and nature in the European peripheries for #POLLEN20! It's sad though that #EasternEurope remains marginal and under- represented at the conference still. A thread...
By putting together this session the conveners hope to contribute to decolonising political ecology. Details on the panel 👉
Excellent point by @SaskaPetrova1: ' #illegallogging in Eastern and Central Europe can also be interpreted as a form of local resistance to the changing postsocialist #forest governance'. She adds 'in this region, Green still doesn't necessarily mean social and politically just'
Anne Gudmundsdotter shows how the break-up of the #USSR granted Western environmental scientists and experts a “right” to intervene in issues regarding nature management and environmental issues in the post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. #postsocialism
‘Eco-fascism’ is not conceptually appropriate to account for the entire far-right’s engagement with the environment today in the #EasternEurope, says @LubardaB. He studies far-right actors & their success in grassroots environmental activism in #Poland
Why do issues such as #landgrabbing in #EasternEurope are often ignored by researchers doing political ecology? asks @KatKusic, - because here the #disposession is a slow process, a much more mundane process of devaluing the rural world. #slowviolence #postsocialism
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