Ignore family ties, job, location, practicality, etc. What city would you move to purely for the architecture?
I was imagining current time but I'll allow it. https://twitter.com/luxuryjeff/status/1308392115316162560?s=20
Y'all are coming up with some good ones. If you'll indulge me please give an answer in the US to if you've gone international for your #1. https://twitter.com/DonnaSinkArch/status/1308392981104295943?s=20
Austin gets bonus points for anticipating my request 🤟 https://twitter.com/Indy_Austin/status/1308393697789255681?s=20
sneaky good choice https://twitter.com/jmfowl/status/1308426600996769792?s=20
Judge's ruling: hell yes

Getting a good number of votes for Edinburgh. Picturesque setting, weathered, stoney traditional architecture, and....Enric Miralles
I've never heard of it but am interested in finding out more and also I'm definitely going to TRAIN WORLD

Love love love Montreal. Though it might not crack my top 5 based purely on architecture I think it is nearly everything I want in a city. Some baller multifam typologies though. And yes, STAIRS.

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