So let's unpack this... cause it's just going to repeat as long as racists get in their feelings. 🧵
One, they're wrong. We're not making a MMO. YOU go make an MMO with 7 developers, I'll wait.

Two, some of y'all stay with "GO MAKE YOUR OWN!" in your mouth when we talk about wanting representation. But when we do? We get this shit.

You can't have it both ways.
Also, there are fifty-eleven-hundred RPG shows with an all white cast, all white crew; but yet when one show, ONE is in production with all Black & POC cast, some folks hop up with "but you're excluding us!" HOW DARE YOU?

Lemme explain.
For the entirety of my time gaming, I been excluded. On purpose, and because people made assumptions on who was holding a controller or rolling dice. Games were marketed to the 18-35 y.o male, white demographic. Both video & ttrpgs.
For most of the time I have touched a D20, I've been told it's not for me, people like me don't play, made to feel unwelcome in the spaces I tried to hang out in. I've been .. blessed to be part of Rivals. To have the experience of my folks filling all the seats.
It's why we get so excited when there are people like us on the screen, on film, in games and it's done well. When we know that someone who cares put their heart & soul into it. It's also why we can spot when there are none of us in the room where it happened.
So, with this opportunity? OF COURSE I was going to bring an all Black & POC crew with me. Why? We rarely get these opportunities. We have a chance to make something beautiful, with our voices, hands, art and more making this game live.
That's why I am getting so furious at the people who got the unmitigated gall to hop into threads where we talk about a lack of representation to go make our own, but then cry foul and claim they are left out. Except, no one said you weren't welcome.
No where, in any place have anyone involved in this game said white people can't play it, watch the stream, or be involved in that way. For once, you're not in the writers room or drawing board; but trust y'all will be OK. We've had to deal with it for decades.
If you truly can't stand for a bunch of Black & POC folks to say who lives, who dies, who tells our story? Go kick rocks. There's plenty of all white RPG shows out there to consume, to support. If they want your racist ass as a fan.
Also, where is all this energy for the racists, misogynists and harassers that still are on Twitch with no repercussions? Y'all got plenty to say against one small Black & POC led project but got nothing for them? Cool, cool, cool.
So TL;DR make up your fucking minds. Either we make our own in peace and you shut the fuck up forever about it. Or maybe, y'all can put more chairs at the table and actually welcome us.
PS: cause I didn't address the "talent is irrelevant" snark at in that QT. We're all fucking talented, ain't no one on this team less deserving of being on it for being Black & POC. Drop this whole diversity means less quality bullshit. Your inherent bias is showing.
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