Like Iran and the Palestinians, the Dems seem to be playing a bad hand poorly.

With almost no leverage, they've chosen maximum confrontation instead of maximum flattery and ego boosting.

That won't work on McConnell, but it might work on Trump and get them a better deal. 1/x
Don't get me wrong. I'm not sure such a strategy would work in stopping Trump from nominating a conservative SC pick, but it sure has a better chance of working than empty threats.

What if the Dems offered Trump something he really wanted, like funding for his wall? 2/x
Or something symbolic that he values. I've joked a place on Mount Rushmore (that may be too much to stomach), but how about reversing impeachment (if that's possible)? Seems worth it for them if they could stop a SC pick they didn't like. 3/x
Or go to Trump and tell him you'd support his sister on the bench. If Trump isn't upset with her from Mary Trump's book, he'd probably love that!

I don't know if any of this would work for the Dems, but certainly better chance than maximum confrontation w/ no leverage. 4/4
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