Okay, my lovelies. May I please have your attention? We are in the midst of a GOLDEN time in the #Caryl fandom. I have been over the moon for 2 weeks, really for the entirety of Season 10. Please do not allow any of the haters to steal your joy. (1/7)
The bullies of this fandom, and that's what they are...bullies who are acting like toddlers who are in the midst of the latest of their tantrums when things have not gone their way. (2/7)
Do you know the best way to handle a toddler who is having a tantrum? You ignore them. It may take a while, but eventually...the tantrum thrower either tires out or gives up. (3/7)
How do you ignore a tantrum throwing toddler you might ask? Well, my friends...we have these wonderful tools at our disposal called the block/mute buttons. And honestly we have self-restraint. (4/7)
I have never been one to say I was better than someone else. I don't roll that way. But by God, I know that I am more mature than the tantrum throwing toddler brigade. (5/7)
I am saying this as a plea to all my fellow Carylers. Let's become the leaders in this fandom. Let's lead by example and don't engage with these idiots. If they attack, just tell them to have a Coke and a smile and block and report them. (6/7)
We have been blessed y'all and the blessings will continue to come our way. I only hope that at some point Melissa and Norman might join in our celebration and come back and be happy with us. Thank you all for listening and #Caryl on y'all! We Are In The Endgame!!!! 💖💖 (7/7)
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