As we are told that homes are responsible for spreading the virus, by Tory minister after Tory minister, One must ask Oneself were we are cultivating the virus in our homes, Is it oozing out of our open windows, doors and chimneys? If a whole household tests negative, Then the
Following week tests positive' Where do you think 'Sherlock the Epidemiologist' would look first?
My first question to the household would be' have any of you left the house in the week? If so where have you been and who with?
Seems like a logical Question to me, We
Could call this 'Test and Trace' and would seem a logical progression to follow,
But far be it from me a ""Lowly retired Test and Trace Faults Maintenance Electrician"" Who happens know a bit of Latin too!!!
Have a nice day Folks👍🤟🏽🤘✌
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