Here's my explanation.

1) SC has been moving a little more in a leftwards/moderate direction in part because of race politics and in part because the state is gradually recognizing it has a climate change problem.

2) Lindsey Graham has always been soft with Rs. DeMint types never liked him. Lindsey relied a lot on McCain for support. Now he looks weaker and more like a flip-flopper, unprincipled guy with his embrace of Trump. Just a bad look-- not a strong sell.
3) There is a somewhat stronger Never Trump contingent in SC than one might expect. A lot of these people are debt/deficit hawks and hardcore free traders like Mark Sanford. They don't like Lindsey either.
4) Trump has juiced the African-American vote in a bunch of places, including SC. So you see more Democratic voters than you would have in, say, 2008 or 2012.
5) Changing demographics. SC has more immigrants than many think. Those people are increasingly becoming eligible to vote. They're not liberals, but a lot of them are in industries where trade matters, and probably Trump's immigration policy hurts.
6) I think the Dem has been relatively good at raising money for what should have been an uncompetitive race. Money begets money. Money raises name ID. Higher name ID accomplishes a lot with polling.
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