Misandry is not a counter weight to patriarchy for a lot of reasons. The core one is that it’s not systemic. There’s no system of laws and culture designed to entrench male hate. What this means is that when a woman aborts a male child or
(Let’s take the worst case scenario) kills all the men she encountered, it’s a one off event and there no systems to protect psychos like that.

For women and patriarchy it’s a different ball game. There are centuries of culture, laws, religion and tradition that..
Strip them of their autonomy, their right to vote, own property, their right to their own bodies, their right to be heard. Those systems are only RECENTLY (in the last 100 years) being unbundled and it’s not even uniform.
For millions of women around the world the reality is still dim. Laws still restrain them and punish them for existing.
So patriarchy doesn’t stop at you being entitled to a woman’s labor (she must cook for her husband, be submissive), it goes to the laws that prescribe different things for men and women.
Misandry is bad but it’s nothing like patriarchy. That’s why Patriarchy FC is a very stupid movement to be a part of.
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