i rewrote this thread cos the person i quoted yesterday deleted their tweet and ppl won’t bother to read what you have to say if they can’t even see what you’re responding to. anyway, i’ll just explain why “i respect lgbt people but i don’t support them” is homophobic (+ some
other shit y’all like to say). you’re diverting away from discourse about actual lgbt issues to victimise yourself and people who have never gone through any acceptance battle when it comes to their sexuality or gender identity just cos you think you’re being accused of bigotry.
in reality, literally no one assumed anything about your stance until you felt the need to say anything. no one assumes that all non-lgbt people are homophobic or transphobic. but when all lgbt people experience throughout their lives is rejection, social alienation, bullying,
being kicked out of their houses, living in a country where they can be jailed, executed or forced into conversion camps or even just simply having to hide who they are, they have to walk on very fragile eggshells just to interact with people. of course they’re gonna make general
statements about straight/cis people not being accepting of them when that’s all they ever knew. you’re projecting your own principle of not discriminating them on so many other people who, in fact, do. without realising it, you’re giving validation to bigots who cause harm to
the community. you’re giving them the power to parade as moderates while still negatively affecting the lives of lgbt folks. and think about how problematic it would sound in general if you applied the “i don’t support them but i respect them” principle to other minorities. “i
don’t support black people’s rights to live their lifestyles based on their cultural values but i do respect someone if they just happen to be black” “i don’t support poor people to fight for their labour rights but i respect them”. that’s how you sound. the point is people don’t
choose to be gay or trans just as they don’t choose to be black or poor. when you don’t support lgbt people’s rights that’s out of disrespect. you’re diminishing their struggles and experiences. neutrality is choosing to remain complicit in the face oppression. and to remain
complicit is to choose the side of the oppressor. and the OP i wrote this thread in response to went on a whole rant comparing lgbt people to non-muslims because they “pray for the salvation of non-muslims just as they do for lgbt people”. and that’s just condescending and
dehumanising as fuck. that mentality is based on the assumption that people can change their sexuality. i won’t even argue on this but i have to say that “praying for lgbt people and non-muslims” sounds a lot like a superiority or saviour complex to me. and i know many muslims
with this complex that are a pain in the ass. comparing lgbt people to non-muslims shows a lot about how you see them both as automatically unenlightened, confused or ignorant. congrats, you just degraded another minority here. and lastly, i’d like to let y’all know that people
shouldn’t have to respect your opinion if it dehumanises them or is made out of plain ignorance. in this case, ignorant about the hardships of lgbt people and the inability to put your personal religious affiliations aside when it comes to humans. “i don’t support lgbt people but
i respect them” is a pandering to the majority while trying to appear as reasonable or compromising with the minority. but basic human rights can’t be compromised. so, if you say you want to be neutral then just don’t say anything at all cos literally what are you bringing to the
conversation ?? like what’s your fucking point? just shut up n let da alphabet ppl have their moment gahdamn #tetapbangga
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