Where in the Bible and/or Book of Mormon is it discussed when life begins? When the soul enters the body?

When a woman miscarriages, naturally, does the fetus receive a name and a blessing? Will that fetus be with the family in the hereafter? Did the fetus obtain a body?
LDS dogma is that you must have a body, united with a spirit/soul for the plan of salvation to work.

It may seem a crass question, but does a miscarried child get immediate exaltation bc it is perfect and never sinned?
If it does not, was it a life? Obviously this is on the issue of abortion and the belief that abortion is murder because it takes an innocent life.

The answer seems to be that the fetus does not have a body or spirit that makes them exalted as a perfect and innocent being.
Therefore, at best for the Pro-Life movement is that we can’t say that it’s a life that gets exalted. Someone else may know, but I know of no belief from LDS, Inc., that says it is a life.
But based on this issue, at worst we can say it is not a life. A living breathing soul carrying person.
The Bible and BofM are silent on whether a fetus is a life and anything else is just their opinion without any doctrinal support.

I don’t know when that moment is when it becomes a life. I don’t know if it is at conception, birth or somewhere in between.
If you rely on your faith to determine its a life, you are without any doctrinal support.
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