Nah but on that video of men getting wigs..
Black men in the UK wearing wigs due to hair loss or a receding hairline makes perfect sense. I can see it eventually being normalised, but it’ll take long to due to the stubbornness & pride of man.
Not that they have to admit it, but I feel some will avoid it just because of the opinions of others on it. A masculinity thing.

You ask a man suffering from hair loss if he would wear a wig & he will probably shut it down quick & continue to opt for wearing a hat.
Self-care for how you look shouldn’t be such a stigma with us guys. More time it’s just shave & trims.

If guys adopt the idea that it’s not unmanly to take care of yourself, then stuff like wigs (those who need), skincare, brows, hands, toes will be ‘normalised’. As it should.
Definitely a gap in this market. It is ironic cause of how man used to cuss wigs & disrespect women wearing them (imagine if girls started grabbing mandem’s wigs off) but hopefully this helps progress society.

We can all be insecure or be simply secure in making ourselves happy.
(I understand how dumb it is that the majority of the time for men to understand how much women have suffered, they have to somehow be in their shoes or experience the pain ourselves or through women in our lives’ suffering, rather than recognise our wrongs & act according btw)
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