Also, I started watching The Crown last night, but paused 5 minutes in, and googled the whole entire monarchy 🤦🏻‍♀️😅
But look here, does the queen really sound like that?

Phieliep, I wânt to live in Clêrens house.

Maaaaahgrit, you can mêrry in Scôtland
Do you think the royal family watch The Crown? Maybe they told journos they don't watch it, but it's like their guilty pleasure 😅
Also, do you think that in later seasons, Meghan Markle will play herself? I mean, she is an actress. And sieke needs the money now that they aren't *royal* royal anymore.
Phieliep is very boring to be this person 🙄 hoogs irriterend!

(And I feel like, even if the queen was allowed to divorce him, she would never leave this clown 🙄)
Did the real life Maaahgrit die from lung cancer?? Because, oh em gee, i have never known a person/character to smoke this many entjies 😳
What does the queen keep in her bag? I've read about the non-verbal cues, like switching arms to indicate moving on. But is there actually anything inside it? Surely not her cellphone and house keys 😅 @carynwelbys do you have an article at hand?
(I am like obsessed with this show. I know I'm late to the party. But, like, obsessed!)
Hai jinne I'm so sad now about Phieliep's childhood 😔 but, the real question is, how is this bra still alive in this year of 2020 😫

Well, "alive"
"I, I need help"

It wasn't just about the wall, was it, Phieliep 😭
After everything Phieliep had been thru, how could he do that to Chaaarles? 😭 Ek wens Lillibet het hom dai tyd al in sy moer in gestuur.
Does the queen have friends? In real life, I mean. Other monarchs and dignitaries? First Ladies, and such? Would Lillibet have been friends with Mam'Winnie?

People's lives are so interesting 😭
I have two questions:

1. What was the entjie budget on the crown 😩


2. Hoe erg spook dit in Buckingham Palace????
S3 E9 of The Crown, and the queen is dealing with loadshedding! Lawdt Jesus 😩😂
I cannot wait for S4 of The Crown 😭😭😭 that trailer soema gave me goosebumps!
Lillibet PLUS Margaret Thatcher PLUS Diana! Hooooooo, it's gonna be good!
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