For the Parliament to reflect us all, we should all have a chance to enter the campaign for election.
When you are set back from the start, what chance do you actually have?
@TheScotsman hasn’t even mentioned that there are 3 possible candidates!
I’ve been written out of it before it starts! This is not equality to access and it’s why more and more Scots are disengaged from our politics. If politics is to be a race between those with funds, then we risk following the US down a very deep rabbit hole of political classes.
Whoever is the candidate for @EdinCentralSNP they will be an excellent addition to the Scottish Parliament. The quality of candidate is such that they shouldn’t need to spend huge amounts on an internal campaign. That money would be better spent in our campaign in 2021,
where we come up against the dark money from Tory donors.

I hope that party and candidates across the country take a moment to understand that ordinary Scots are routinely working two jobs to make ends meet. The news of almost £1000 being spent on Facebook ads won’t sit easy
My head and shoulders shot was taken from my Facebook page and cropped. My candidacy statement came straight from the heart. I have not and will not spend a single penny on this campaign. I simply cannot afford to. Where is the equality of access in this?
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