A thread of me venting about someone whos hurt me & pissed me off number outs times just cus I want to. No I won’t be saying who it is nor am I gonna do anything other then vent. This isn’t to ‘cancel’ anyone I honestly couldn’t care less if y’all follow her, I’ve stopped caring
This is prob the last time I’m ever going to talk abt her on here cus I’m just done. I’m also making this thread for myself to stop checking the shit she says cus ik it’ll only hurt me more so future Tori this is your warning .
I was actually in a gc with this person MONTHS ago when they were a larrie. And then she unlarried and is one of those ppl who made a long thread about ‘why i unlarried’ about how toxic and awful we are blah blah blah
Then she started to post CONSTANT hate against larries. Like unlarry i don’t care, but keep our names out of your mouth. Why do u care??? Then when a larrie was outed to their family by someone on stan twt, she posted “larries are all problematic” and ...
“If you’re a larrie you can’t get mad about someone getting outed” which ANGERED me so I debated her because I think it was fucked. And she was SO FUCKIN RUDE. Like you’re not better than anyone
I also saw her rn RT something that said “all larries are disrespectful” and bs like that she STILL POSTS like GIVE IT A REST. THEN around the time she unlarried she unstanned H which I think is the real reason she unstanned him but she said that she did it
Because he followed Zendaya and that alone means he supports that scene in euphoria. (This was when that fake story of him giving permission for that scene was going around which was QUICKLY debunked) and I was explaining to her why it wasn’t real. And she’s like ...
“Well he still follows Zendaya so that’s just as bad” ......? HUH?!? He could like Spiderman? Or the greatest showman? OR SHAKE IT UP! (lol) like this is such FLAWED thinking THEN
She made a long thread trying to convince everyone that lesbians are the most oppressed sexuality. As if it’s a fucking COMPETITION. Like ??? This really hurt me because I’m in the community and she was pretty much erasing the shit every other sexuality goes through ...
Bcus ‘gay men are more accepted by society than lesbians’ (her words not mine) this was when I unf and blocked her cus I was actually really hurt by this as I can think others were hurt too. THEN
She posted about how ‘H could very well be straight’ and I’m like 1.not you invalidating him being unlabeled and 2. Why tf r u still talking about hi if u unstanned him. She also constantly hates on him for no reason like just don’t talk about him??? LASTLY
She knows all that El has done. She’s talked about it. Yet she’ll defend el to her dying breath. Which I do too when it comes to body shaming and unnecessary hate. But she’ll speak OVER people who were personally hurt by her. AND NOW she’s like “ima become an el stan” when she...
LITERALLY UNSTANNED H FOR FOLLOWING SOMEONE. I SMELL HYPOCRISY. Like have the same energy for everyone don’t just pick and choose because of what everyone else is doing. She also unessesarily hates on H and N and anyone who isnt L and El pretty much. She also went from
“I have larrie friends” to “Im trying to unf every larrie they’re all disrespectful” like PICK A STRUGGLE. You used to be one of us. Stop acting like you’re superior. Ughhhhh
Ok I think that’s all I can remember. I’m just done and this is my last thing ever abt them. No I won’t tell u who it is cus I don’t care anymore and this is for me. And even tho she’s said and done lots of fucked up shit, no one deserves to get hate so yeah. This is it
Tori u better not look anymore. Be healthy. And focus on positive people. This is the letter now burn it. Okay. If u read this, thank you? I mean this is for me so yeah idk. End of thread I guess
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