why @netflix should make an anthology-style live action show about the 100 year war instead of remaking #atla — a thread
#AvatarTheLastAirbender #avatar
book 1: multi-episode arcs of roku and sozin growing up together and training together! we see roku train to become a fully realized avatar AND we follow sozin, watching his lust for power and territory grow, as well as the extermination of the dragons?
book 2: roku then finds out, whoops his ass, and keeps h is killed in like the book 2 finale, betrayed by sozin. book 3 follows sozin’s genocide of the air nomads and his hunt for aang, we could even see aang train and go into hiding!
more time passes and sozin eventually dies during his search for the new avatar, and in book 4 we see azulon’s rise to power through the eyes of iroh, as well as ozai’s abuse of his family. near the end of book 4, iroh loses his son at ba sing se.
the final few episodes contain zuko speaking up to his father for his insensitivity toward iroh following lu ten’s death, he is burned in the agni kai, and banished to find the avatar. zuko and iroh set out on their voyage, and iroh makes a vow to raise zuko as his own son.
this would be such a wonderful opportunity to explore a darker side of the avatar universe without projecting that darkness upon an already beloved story. characters we already know could be explored more deeply without changing anything about what makes them great in atla!!
100 years is a long ass time for a series to cover, with bookended anthology-style arcs that take place years apart from one another, it could be really cool. we could watch ursa plot to assassinate azulon, we could watch roku struggle to learn waterbending, etc.
so many plot threads during this time period could be expanded really effectively through a live action medium. please hire me bro @netflix
upon rereading this, maybe roku and sozin’s friendship turned sour and eventually roku’s death at the hands of sozin could be fit to book one, and the following books could follow the subsequent happenings of the war. idek i just think this general idea could be cool as shit
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