thread on how to learn and self-study korean :)
firstly before u begin, please choose to learn korean for the right reasons and do not be a Koreaboo. educate yourself and find your real reasons for doing this! if u choose to learn, learn with respect to the language, culture and history that comes with it.
ok here are the real steps from a korean learner (just things i wish i knew when i started out) please feel free to reach out lets all help each other
1. Learn Hangul, the korean alphabet and i just learned through a few Youtube videos. it’s very simple compared to other asian languages and should only take a few days to master with practice.
Once you know Hangul, DONT use romanization!! that will get in the way of your +
+ learning because our brains subconsciously read romanization instead of the korean. So once you know hangul, just avoid romanization at all costs and you will find you will learn much faster (i wish i knew this)
2. Batchim! There are rules for how to pronounce things once you can read and write hangul so learn this so you can speak correctly. I recommend watching a few Youtube videos to get an idea of Batchim but it is something that develops over time as you learn
3. Choose a resource
The 2 main (FREE) sites i’ve heard of are  and 
i’ve tried out both of these sites and both have upsides and downsides. You can also learn with other paid resources and/or books and stuff +
+ know that ONLY watching kdramas is not enough to learn a language if you really want to learn.
if you don’t know what resource to use, here’s a thread i made on howtostudykorean vs talktomeinkorean if you cant choose which website to use:
4. This part’s fun! Get immersed!!! Korean dramas (i have recommendations if u want), korean music, korean web shows, read korean news articles, try to think and label things in korean, speak to yourself/others in korean, analyze song lyrics & more! have fun w it!!
+ i do wanna say that if you want to learn spoken, more natural korean language, watch more web shows than korean dramas. RUN BTS is a good one, i know a lot of other artists have some too, but just know dramas dont always have commonly used everyday korean language.
5. do the lessons while you keep immersing yourself. Things will slowly start to make sense and you’ll pick up on words and phrases which is the best feeling knowing you’re learning something. If you’re ever unmotivated, take a break and just watch dramas for a week! take it easy
+ celebrate your accomplishments! know that you’re doing great and i’m proud of you for challenging yourself. Keep going!!
6. This last one is an extension of the immersion point but there are lots if apps you can use to connect and practice your korean. There’s also twt groupchats where we all learn so connect with people (drop a comment if u wanna join a learning gc on twt)
thats it for this thread i hope this doesnt flop
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